Some people may think that it is easy being a mother and a student. If you asked them what it would take to do it, they would tell you that all it would take is a little hard work and dedication. Well, I think know, it takes much more than that.
Have you ever tried to schedule time to read for an online class in the middle of the day when your children are wide awake? I have. Sure there are other times when getting the work is possible, but these are also normally times when a normal person would be sleeping like 3am. How about getting up a little bit earlier to get the work done? Well, in my house, my daughter wakes up most mornings at 7am, so I would have to get up a 5am and I probably wouldn’t get to sleep until after midnight. For me that just isn’t the best thing. I remember someone telling me something when I first had my children. “When the baby sleeps, you should do your best to get some sleep too. Well, if this it isn’t that easy, what does it take to be a mom-student?
I’m a Mary Kay Independent beauty consultant, (that’s a mouth full) and while I was trying to do the readings for my class today, my daughter was screaming, my boys were arguing, and all I could think of was this picture that we for a campaign one year.
Yes that’s how I felt, but I knew that I had to get my work done. This was going to require…patience
It’s true that I should have my schedule worked out to the t. My kids should have activities to keep them busy, entertained, and active. Then I’ll be able to get my work done. The truth is, that sounds really nice, but this is summertime, my husband is in the field(military for not home), and I have tons of work to do for my home and for school. It feels like a mad house, except I’m not crazy. 🙂
So, I have to be able to bounce back in the midst of all of the chaos. It’s ok that she decided to scream for what felt like 20 minutes. I decided to put my school schedule on pause for a moment and get my kids some lunch, to sit and talk with them, and to take a minute to regroup.
Doing these things meant that I was off schedule, but that’s ok.
Although it seems like nothing is going the way that I had planned and I am behind in my school work, again, I am pushing forward to accomplish my goal.
I have to be driven by my desire to accomplish my goal. I have to press forward knowing that God will help me achieve it. I have to see myself doing what I desire. I dare to dream.
That drive is what keeps me pressing forward. No matter how hard it gets. I can’t give up. I have to know that it is worth it to press through than to throw in the towel.
That’s right I’m sucking it up and driving on!
So the next time that someone asks you what it takes to be a mom-student, you tell them that it takes patience,
resilience, and drive…
And I’ve got that!