I should be sleeping right now, but I can’t. I have so much on my mind right now. I was going to sit down and begin to complain through this post, I I have suddenly had a change of heart.
I am very well aware of many of my life’s problems. I have read many of the bad reports through the news and other forms of media. I have contemplated the negative. I have even taken the time to allow my mind to think the worst, which I don’t recommend. Yet in the midst of all of this, I was quickly reminded of how blessed I am.
I remembered all of the people and things that God has so graciously blessed me with. I am truly thankful.
I realize that I could be somewhere else doing anything else, but I’m here. I breathing, healthy, a mother, wife, daughter, friend, cousin, and so much more. So today this will be my mission. I will continue to reflect in God’s unfailing mercy toward me. I will remember His word that He has spoke over me, my family, my marriage, my children. I will reflect, remember, and remind myself that God has, is, and will continue to supply all of my needs.
I know all of this may seem a bit sporadic, but this is me this morning. I will refocus my thoughts and give everyone the attempts to take hold of my thoughts and consume me, to God
I am eternally thankful for God’s love, grace, and unmerited favor. I don’t deserve anything that I have. Yet He has seen fit to bless me abundantly.
My prayer for today is that my life may bring Him praise. That he may look upon my life and smell a pleasant aroma of worship.
Unto to you O God, on this day, I give You all that I am. Have your way with my life. For once again, I surrender my all to you. – in Jesus name…Amen