The other day, I went to my son’s practice and watched as his coach taught them. After doing a few sprints around the gym, his coach told the kids that he needed them to say a special prayer for his friend, when they said their prayers at night. With tears in his eyes, he told them that his friend had been injured and although she was alive and conscious, all of her bones were broken. I watched this man as he led the children and then I saw it. He turned around for a moment, to gather himself, and shed a few tears. I could see that this thing was breaking his heart and he really wanted God to heal his friend, but in the middle of he is weakness he had to be strong.
This Spoke to Me
After he said these things, I sat and thought about everything. I realized that there are times in our lives that we have to be strong, even though we feel weak. We have to pull ourselves together and push past how we feel, but sometimes this can take a lot out of us. We crumble underneath the pressure of the day and life can feel like a burden to carry. If we are not careful, we could allow it to weigh us down and anxiety or depression will try to seep in.
[bctt tweet=”In our own human frailty, we try to handle our situations alone and carry the burden, but we don’t have to.” username=”beingmrsmom”]
In our own human frailty, we try to handle our situations alone and carry the burden. For some reason, we have all convinced ourselves that we have to try to do it for others and we must do it for ourselves. God did call us to be strong and courageous, in ourselves, He called us to be strong in Him. He also gave us communities of believers to help us be strong in faith.
Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Ephesians 6:10
Yes, He wants us to be courageous, not because of who we are, but because of who He is. He gives us the armor of God and enables us to fight battles that aren’t humanly possible. Ephesians 6:10-20 He tells us that it is because of who we are in Him, that we are capable of standing against the wiles of the enemy.
Being Strong God’s Way
He calls us to shine our lights out into the darkness, so that all men can see our works and declare His glory. (Matthew 5:16) What an honor it is to be a vessel of the living God. As vessels, we have to be willing to surrender to the Lord when we are too weak to handle the situations that life has brought us. In the surrender and weakness, we will find God strengthening, equipping, and leading us in how to be strong, the godly way. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
Although we may not always know how to handle life’s situations, we must remember that God is with us and if He is for us than no one can be against us. You and I don’t have to be a super hero. We don’t have to live life alone either. We simply have to follow God and trust Him with our lives. There may be moments when we are overwhelmed and cry out to Him for help, ask others for prayers, or need someone to encourage us, but sometimes those are the moments when God shows Himself faithful the most.